The initiation of Munay-Ki

Munay-Ki is translated as the energy of all-pervading love. If we consciously cultivate and strengthen it, we create our dream reality with love and clarity, which inevitably translates to all levels of our lives. The Munay-Ki initiations are based on the initiatory practices of Andean and Amazonian healers (lay people) and have to do with taking responsibility for all that we create. They are an invitation to dream a new, healthy and non-violent world in which each of us plays an important role.

During the ceremony, the energy is transferred and the full potential of the wisdom of each lineage that holds the teachings is received. We then integrate the skill into our daily lives using various practices and tools until it becomes a natural part of our lives. We then gain a new map through which we can live our lives more consciously, healthily and with the knowledge that we are not alone.

Transmissions activate and strengthen our energy field and inform our DNA at the cellular level, allowing us to develop a new body that lives, ages and dies healthier. We can also more easily rewrite inherited or acquired beliefs that no longer suit us.

In practice, it seems that the wisdom, tools and energies we have received, nourished and integrated into our lives will eventually become us, or we will become them. There is a kind of transformation from a state of "having" through a state of "doing" to a state of "being". So, to give a very concrete example: I am not using the skills of the healer Hampe, which I have adopted, but I am becoming, myself, this healer who knows exactly what to do and how to do or not to do. The path to my wholeness and interconnectedness has been fully awakened.

Ten RITUALS, ten energy transmissions of MUNAY-KI

1 - Hampe Karpay (Healer)

2 - Chumpi Karpay (Belts of Power)

3 - Ayni Karpay (Harmonie)

4 - Kawak Karpay (Visionary)

5 - Pampa Mesayoq Karpay (Guardian of the Day)

6 - Alto Mesayoq Karpay (Guardian of Wisdom)

7 - Kurak Akuyak Karpay (Guardian of the Earth)

8 - Mosoq Karpay (Guardian of the Stars)

9 - Taitanchis Rantis Karpay (Creator)

10 - Kisma Karpay (Guardian of the Womb)

The course of the ceremony

Each meeting has three phases. The first, syntonizing, aligns you with a particular wisdom that we are each connected to, only we have forgotten it. During the ceremony itself, you receive an energy seed with the full potential of that wisdom, followed by the integration phase, during which the received wisdom is placed exactly where it belongs. All phases take place on an energetic level in the form of more or less dynamic guided meditation, intense experience, present celebration, physical, mental, emotional and energetic connection.

I will lovingly and openly accompany you through the entire ceremony individually or in a group, in person or "remotely". Each of these forms has its own specifics and something different suits each of us. You will find the price for my time space here.

What to expect between and after the transfers
In the period between transfers, the practitioner will then integrate the skill into his/her daily life with the help of various practices and tools. Everyone is different, everyone needs a different time and pace. It is up to us with what intensity we choose to use these new tools. The moment they become a natural part of our lives, we gain a new map through which we can live our lives more consciously, healthily, with joy, passion, clarity and the knowledge that we are not alone.

Ongoing events
Individual initiation of Munay-Ki
I would be honored to accompany you on your journey to understand, accept and utilize the Munai energy in your life. With your permission, I will facilitate a direct transmission of the "seed" of the full potential of each of these lineages in a comprehensive form based on your own pace and needs. You can expect loving care and support throughout the process.
Munay-Ki initiation for a group or circle
If you want to receive the wisdom of Munay-Ki in the circle of close friends, I will be happy to accompany you. The maximum number of members in a group is eight, and we will plan the schedule together to mutual satisfaction. The whole process can be done either in person or virtually through an agreed online platform.